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Python Class Decorator Primer - Class Instance Registry

Let's assume we have a situation where we need to keep track about eache instance of a class.

The source code used in this document could be found on github registered class decorator.

This could be illustrated using following snippet:

orders = []

class Order:

order1 = Order()
assert order1 in orders

Possible implementation for the registered decorator might be:

def registered(registry):
    def decorator(cls): # <2>
        def cls_factory(*args, **kwargs):
            instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            return instance

        return cls_factory  # <3>

    return decorator  # <1> 
  1. Parameterized decorator is a function which is called with the argument passed to the decorator. The function usually returns a decorator.
  2. The decorator function is called with decorated class passed as argument.
  3. The decorator function returns factory function which will create instances from the decorated class and register them with the provided registry.

Following pytest unittests could be used to test the decorator.

import pytest

class FakeClass:

class TestRegisteredDecorator:
    def given_registry(self):
        return []

    def given_decorated(self, registry):
        return registered(registry)(FakeClass)

    def test_given_decorated_class_when_create_instance_then_instance_is_in_registry(
        self, registry, decorated
        instance = decorated()
        assert isinstance(instance, FakeClass)
        assert instance in registry